Why Acupuncture?
Through thousands of years of history, the practice of acupuncture has been used to treat illnesses of body and spirit. Originating in China over 5000 years ago, acupuncture was combined with herbal remedies to create a unified school of medicine that would become the cornerstone of an eastern healthcare philosophy as robust and defined as western medicine. Acupuncture promotes health and addresses disease through the restoration of the body’s natural systemic balance, utilizing a system of channels or meridians that touch and communicate with all parts of the body.
An acupuncturist gently inserts fine needles into specific points in the body, tapping into these channels; diffusing tension, stagnation and supporting organ function. Acupuncture has enjoyed growing popularity in the west. Its practitioners increasingly discover mutuality with western medical practice in many fields, enabling people of all ages, backgrounds and needs to attain peace and profound health benefits in the harmony between ancient and modern.